About Me

Hey there, I'm Arne! With a 15-year journey through the business trenches, from the adrenaline rush of startups to the dynamic pace of SMBs, I've been the go-to guy for turning strategic visions into operational realities. As a tech startup's former COO, I dove headfirst into the cloud tech pool and swam with the big fish of corporate compliance.

I'm all about wearing multiple hats – finance, HR, legal, you name it – and I've got a knack for nurturing multinational teams that feel more like family than coworkers. My globe-trotting adventures have sharpened my instincts, especially in cybersecurity and GRC, where I've enjoyed crafting a brand that stands out in the crowded security landscape.

I'm a firm believer in the magic of teamwork and lead with a trust-first, learn-always mantra. With a curious mind and an open heart, I revel in the rich tapestry of global cultures. If you're into shaping the future with cybersecurity and GRC, let's chat and spark change together!


Despite my roots in business administration, I've cultivated a strong affinity for information technology, with a particular zeal for cloud technology. This self-taught expertise has become one of my superpowers, allowing me to bridge the gap between strategic management and tech innovation.

  • Strategic Business Leadership: A seasoned history of over 15 years steering companies across diverse industries with a visionary approach and decisive action.
  • Versatile Communicator: Equally adept at engaging with board members and technical teams, bridging the gap between high-level strategy and on-the-ground innovation.
  • Compliance Navigation: Expert in leading organizations to achieve ISO 27001 and TISAX certifications, ensuring they meet and exceed rigorous information security standards.
  • Financial Acumen: Proven track record in securing financing, coupled with a robust foundation in financial strategy and management to drive business growth.
  • Resilient Founder: Embraced the full entrepreneurial journey—learning from the fall of my first company, then driving a different startup to scale-up status, including a strategic transition into a U.S. C-corp to attract key investors.


While I'm a firm believer that real-world experience is paramount, certifications can complement this knowledge by affirming one's commitment to excellence and continuous learning. Here are a few I've achieved and hold in high regard:

  • Public Speaking & Pitching: COUP - All Modules
  • Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK) v.4
  • ICO ISMS Security Officer according to ISO/IEC 27001:2022


Lübeck, Germany
Hamburg Metropolitan Region